Nîşanên berî zayînê di pisîkan de û meriv çawa nêzîkbûna zayînê di heywanek de dizane?
Zimanî babet

Nîşanên berî zayînê di pisîkan de û meriv çawa nêzîkbûna zayînê di heywanek de dizane?

One of the most significant and memorable events in the life of a caring cat owner is the appearance of offspring in an animal. Especially in a situation if everything happens for the first time. At the same time, when a pet gives birth, she will definitely need help, love and care of the owners.

If an animal should bring kittens from day to day, then every caring owner should know the signs of an approaching birth in a cat. However, most of the animals able to give birth without any intervention, so the role of a person in this matter is mainly to observe from the outside and help if it is really necessary. But prepare for possible surprises, and you need to know how to induce labor in a cat in advance.

What are the signs of imminent labor?

Since pregnancy in cats is quite fleeting, it is important to know the signs of childbirth so as not to miss the time of the birth of a new life. The first symptoms begin, fade a couple of weeks before the crucial moment. The offspring in the womb begins a flurry of activity, and the cat herself roams the apartment in search of a secluded place. In turn, a few hours before the birth of kittens the animal’s habits change drastically:

  • the cat becomes anxious and begins to rush around the apartment, licking the tummy and genitals;
  • at the moment when contractions appear, the pet begins to breathe often and heavily;
  • indicators of rectal temperature fall below 37 ºC, which is the norm;
  • there is swelling of the genital organs, accompanied by secretions;
  • colostrum is secreted through the swollen mammary glands.

Almost all cats, before giving birth, meow loudly and hide in a secluded place where no one will disturb them.

Normal pregnancy in a cat

A healthy animal during pregnancy and childbirth does not require human intervention. However, some small cat breeds complications may occur. In European countries, obstetrics for animals has been developing for many years. But in our case, all responsibility is always placed on the shoulders of the pet owner and general veterinarians. A normal pregnancy in an animal lasts 8-9 weeks. However, veterinarians there are 3 main stages.

  1. During the first 3 weeks, mating occurs, immediately after which the animal may experience swelling of the mucous membrane of the genital organs, although this is not a 100% indicator that the cat is pregnant. You can clearly determine the piquant position of your pet after 3 weeks. The animal constantly sleeps, appetite and activity decrease. The cat needs more attention and affection. Gagging and an increase in the uterus may appear, which can only be determined by a veterinarian during palpation.
  2. From 4 to 6 weeks, accelerated growth of kittens occurs, as a result of which the cat’s belly is noticeably rounded. By the end of the 6th week, the movement of the cubs can be observed. Kittens can be felt when probing the cat with your fingers. The animal eats and sleeps a lot.
  3. At 7-9 weeks, the movement of kittens becomes very energetic, which is well observed even with the naked eye, especially during the sleep of the animal. The cat becomes restless and is in constant search of a den.

Looking for a hiding place May not be seen in every pet. Some especially socially active cats will hope that their owner will take care of a secluded shelter, who will help in the process when the pet will give birth. Pets that are too attached to their owners must be monitored with increased care. Hormonal failure and the playful nature of the animal can cause rash acts in a cat, as a result of which a disruption in labor or premature contractions may occur.

Possible complications during childbirth in cats

The most difficult are the first births in cats. At the same time, it will be difficult not only for the pet, but also for its owner. In case of any deviations during childbirth, the life of the offspring, as well as the mother herself, will be in the hands of the owners of the animal. If it is not possible to call an experienced veterinarian, then you will have to do everything yourself. But a few weeks before the cat gives birth, it is better stock up on everything you need:

  • soft cloth napkins;
  • sterile gloves;
  • sterilized scissors with rounded ends;
  • antiseptic drug;
  • oxytocin ampoule and syringe;
  • medical thread;
  • a tube of Vaseline.

The use of medications is advisable only in emergency situations. Oxytocin is used to further stimulate contractions. They make an injection of the drug into the muscle in 0,2 ml, but only after the second kitten has left. Interval between injections should be between 40 minutes and an hour. Complications during childbirth in cats are rare, but you need to prepare for it in advance.

  1. The head of the cub appeared, but its full birth does not occur for a long time. In such a situation, the genitals of the animal and the head of the kitten are lubricated with petroleum jelly. This will normalize the process.
  2. After the appearance of the cub in the bubble, the cat does not try to release it from there. You can’t wait more than 1 minute, it’s important to cut the bubble in time and take out the fetus. In order for a newborn creature to begin to breathe, it is necessary to bend it so that the hind legs touch the chest. If necessary, this procedure must be repeated several times.
  3. After the birth of the cub, the afterbirth did not come out. In this case, it is removed manually.
  4. In case of a mechanical blockage, when the fetus is placed incorrectly or too large, it is imperative to call a veterinarian. All independent attempts to help a pet can lead to irreversible consequences.
  5. If atony of the uterus is observed, when the strength of the contraction is not enough for the fetus to come out on its own, the process is stimulated by an injection of oxytocin.

If during childbirth a cat has intense discharge saturated blood color, the animal loses its orientation, and sometimes the temperature rises sharply, unpleasant odors appear, you should immediately call a veterinarian. If this does not work out for some reason, you need to ask for help by phone. The specialist will always tell you how to help the animal in a given situation.

How do you know if a cat is about to give birth?

The first harbinger of an early birth in a cat is guhertina ji nişka ve di tevgerê de animal a day before the appearance of offspring. The main changes begin in the uterus of the animal and may be accompanied by pain. At the same time, the same symptomatology accompanies premature birth, and even miscarriage. The only difference between the pathology during childbirth is the rapid flow of all processes.

Very often, before the immediate birth, a mucous clot can come out of the cervix. In this case, the rejection of the cork is difficult to notice. Often, she comes out at the moment of urination, and given that the cat is constantly licked, the owners may simply not pay attention to this. Signs that the cat will soon give birth are shown by strong contractions, which are very noticeable, even visually, as the cat begins to settle down and arch its back. In this case, the first cub should appear within 5–60 minutes.

How to be the owner during childbirth?

When all the symptoms that the animal will give birth are present, need to prepare a placewhere a cat with kittens will live. This secluded nest must be protected from drafts and prying eyes. For this, an ordinary box or a special cat house is suitable. It is also worth worrying about soft bedding on the bottom of the house. But you should not use expensive fabric, because after childbirth it will have to be thrown away.

In the process of fights, different animals may behave differently. For example, the breed of Scottish cats begins to rush about before giving birth. A beloved pet can climb a closet, hide under a bed or hide in a nightstand. In such a situation, the owners must calm and caress the animal, transferring it to a cozy house in which it must get used to. If the animal nevertheless gave birth outside the cat’s house, then you need to take it and the resulting offspring and move it to its place.

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