Dermankirina bi kûçikan: kaniterapî, tedawiya heywanan û di çareserkirina pirsgirêkên civakî de alîkarî

Dermankirina bi kûçikan: kaniterapî, tedawiya heywanan û di çareserkirina pirsgirêkên civakî de alîkarî

The use of animals in therapy has a long history that goes back to XNUMXth century England. Today, this type of therapy is becoming more and more popular. Horses, cats, rabbits and, of course, dogs are attracted to it.

Essentially, animal therapy is a form of physical therapy often associated with psychosocial behavior. In simple terms, this is a form of using dogs to help people socialize and develop fine motor skills.

Most often, these specially trained dogs work in children’s hospitals and nursing homes. Because dogs can help deal with conditions like loneliness and depression, they are especially helpful for emotional patients. Having a friendly dog ​​to play with often helps people who are prone to apathy. Plus it’s fun!

Breeds of dogs for canistherapy can be any, as animals are selected according to their character. Any pet that gets along well with people can become a therapy dog ​​if it goes through the right training. 

Such a pet should allow people to stroke and touch themselves, and not always neatly and carefully. In some cases, the four-legged friend is with the patient in his bed or even in a wheelchair, so he must be able to sit still in various uncomfortable situations.

These animals, among other things, must be in good health, both physical and mental. Proper nutrition is important for all dogs, no matter what they do, which is why Hill’s offers a complete range of dog foods to keep dogs healthy – small and large, young and old.

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