Çima papagal bejna xwe dişewitîne: em sedeman analîz dikin
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Çima papagal bejna xwe dişewitîne: em sedeman analîz dikin

When a parrot’s beak exfoliates, it’s hard not to notice. And, of course, the owners of birds have anxiety. What can cause this phenomenon and how to deal with it? Let’s try to figure it out.

Why does a parrot exfoliate beak: we analyze the reasons

So, First, let’s try to understand why pêlkirî or any other parrot problems like this arise:

  • First of all, it should be understood that the beak of a parrot sometimes exfoliates for completely natural reasons. Of course, in the normal state, the beak is smooth, it glistens. However, sometimes you can notice that the edge is exfoliating. If this is a little and really happens at the edges, then the pet could grind it off on a mineral stone, twigs, for example. Or, it is a consequence of the fact that it is growing. That is, the layer is updated – hence the peeling. This can happen in both juveniles and adults. In humans, skin and hair are renewed in the same way. But it is still advisable to take a closer look at the well-being of the pet in order to exclude other reasons.
  • But if peeling affects a large area, this should alert. As well as the appearance of burrs, cracks. Very often, this happens due to the fact that something important for her is missing in the diet of the bird. Or it is present, but in insufficient quantity. We are talking about minerals and vitamins. In particular, we are talking about vitamin A. In humans, beriberi also manifests itself in the form of skin problems – in this we are similar to parrots.
  • Ticks can cause a disease called cnemidoctosis. She manifests herself, including in the peeling of the beak. And also sometimes even in its deformation, in itching. If you look closely, these parasites can be seen at the very base of the beak, near the eyes, paws, cloaca. If you do not start fighting ticks immediately, the bird’s beak may remain deformed for life.
  • Sometimes peeling is an indicator that the air in the room is not humid enough. As a rule, birds are more sensitive to dry air than humans.
  • Lack of light is another reason. According to experts, every day the parrot should receive light for at least 8 hours. This will contribute to the production of vitamin D3, which just strengthens the beak!
  • Sometimes the foliation of the beak occurs if the bird does not grind it down. Domestic birds are particularly susceptible to this.

What to do if the parrot exfoliating beak

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  • If the fact is that the pet is uncomfortable to grind the beak, you need put something in his cage this. For example, a great solution become a mineral stone. Also twigs will be great helpers. But it is desirable that they belong fruit trees.
  • If the question is in dry air, then, of course, will have to deal with it permanently moisturizing. The optimal indicator humidity is considered 50-60%. Help him achieve wet cleaning, frequent ventilation and, of course, special humidifier. parrots as shows practice, love the rain effect very much, which is easy to achieve with sprayer. If possible install an aquarium in the room or even miniature fountain – great! It will help to control the percentage humidity hygrometer – it will do it accurately and efficiently. Especially often need to be controlled during heating season.
  • Balance nutrition is extremely important. Greens, vegetables and fruits should be present in sufficient quantity. In particular, carrot, zucchini, sweet potato, cabbage, spinach, beets, oranges, melon, papaya, dandelion and mustard leaves. No interfere with various vitamin, mineral supplements. They can be purchased ready-made at specialty stores. But you can also and make some types of these additives. For example, germinate wheat grains in wet environment, crush the shells of chicken eggs, grind the chalk, add fodder yeast.
  • RџSЂRё deficiency of light, it is recommended to install special full spectrum lamp Sveta. And it’s best to set it to distance from the cage, equal to 46 cm. But it is better to move the lamp gradually, so as not to cause a feathered pet stress. It’s best to leave it on. during the day if natural light few. But at night you definitely need turn off! Because it’s okay to sleep Birds cannot live in bright light.
  • That concerns ticks, then when they are detected the feathered one needs to be isolated if it does not live alone. Required a separate cell is needed, which should be put away from the main. Contain the patient in it is necessary until it is complete convalescence. And the cell itself, in which spent time sick parrot, must be thoroughly washed soap and treat with antiseptic means. However, it needs to be processed everything the pet has touched, and everything Clean up the apartment also does not hurt. It is best to treat with aversectin ointment. It is necessary to lubricate the damaged plots for two weeks. The optimal frequency is every 3-4 times day. By the way, while the bird will be kept in a temporary house, from there you have to remove all wood. The fact is that Ticks love to live in trees and feel great there. That’s why it could easily happen again infection.

Parrot, like any other pet, experience health problems. AND, certainly not to be ignored suspicious symptoms. In particular, foliation of the beak.

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