Çima qijik qîr dikin: sedem û nîşanên xwezayî
Zimanî babet

Çima qijik qîr dikin: sedem û nîşanên xwezayî

“Why do crows croak?” we ask indignantly every time we hear a hoarse crow call near us. Such a reaction is not surprising: this loud and far from the most pleasant sound causes anxiety and various bad forebodings. So it was in ancient times with our ancestors, and we have a similar reaction. Let’s try to figure it out.

Why crows croak: find out about natural causes

Certainly, the propensity of these birds is so unpleasant our ear qîrîn has a very natural explanation:

  • In order to understand why crows croak, you need to understand that the crow is a remarkably social bird. She is an unusually intelligent creature on a par with dolphins and monkeys. This means that I have established greater contact with my fellow tribesmen. In particular, the morning of these birds begins with the convocation of relatives. Experts say that for this purpose, several crows can croak in unison – just so that others can hear the convocation better. Arriving people also usually greet those gathered. Then the crows have something like a meeting – no doubt readers have seen this from time to time. The flock, sitting comfortably on a tree, decides where to fly, finds out where danger lies in wait and other similar moments. Given that crows have a fairly rich vocabulary, their chirping can be long, noisy and saturated with various interesting intonations.
  • Spring is a special period in the life of these birds, as, indeed, in the life of any others. During this period, they have offspring, which is a real problem for feathered parents to follow. After all, chicks sometimes unplanned leave the nest – in other words, they fall out of it. These babies are called “flies”. Trouble may well happen to them – dogs, cats roam around, and people do not inspire confidence in crows. In this case, the parents begin to croak intensely when danger approaches, diverting the attention of a potential pest. By the way, you don’t need to help the chicks – the parents themselves will take care of them even on the ground, and then the kids will fly by themselves.
  • Protection also applies to adults. Ravens readily warn each other that some danger is coming.
  • Also, with the help of such communication, birds divide the territory. They, like many living beings, are quite characteristic of territorial demarcation – they have favorite cozy places, the so-called “bread” plots. Competitors for which, presumably, there are many. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to verbal clarification of the relationship.
  • Let’s not forget about marriage games. They also have a verbal form. Therefore, it is completely possible that the hoarse croaking outside the window is just an attempt to charm someone.

Signs associated with the crow croaking

In general, people are ambiguous about signs, but even scientists are not against some of them. Namely those related to the weather. Ravens are unusually sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure and air fluctuations that a person may not notice. However, you can also listen to other beliefs.

Çima qijik qîr dikin: sedem û nîşanên xwezayî

So, signs regarding crow croaking:

  • The most common sign is a croak heard three times. There is an opinion that this predicts a life full of problems. Or even death!
  • Sometimes a bird croaks so often that it seems as if it does not take a break at all. It is believed that in this case one should expect some kind of bad weather – for example, a strong wind or frost.
  • Sometimes it is recommended to take a closer look at how the bird itself looks. If she tends to sit, ruffled and lowering her wings, this means that a hoarse croak predicts rain.
  • A talkative raven circling over the house predicts a lot of problems.
  • If the bird is not seen at all, but heard, then, most likely, one of the close people will get sick. And, according to the assurances of our ancestors, seriously.
  • Sometimes the bird takes a fancy to the roof of the house. Chimney, for example. And there, having perched and settled down properly, the bird begins to croak loudly. In this case, it is believed that she warns the head of the family at home about some kind of trouble.
  • If a raven takes a fancy to a house and sits on it here and there, croaking especially loudly, this means that someone is trying to see the owners of the dwelling. That is, soon you will probably have to receive guests.
  • It also happens that a bird alternates between croaking and knocking on the window. This is a very good sign that portends good luck in any endeavor. The most important thing for the owner of the house is not to miss the chance that fate will certainly give.
  • If a knock occurs on the ledge, accompanied by a croak, then significant expenses are coming.
  • If the bird does not knock anywhere, but simply sits on the ledge and speaks about something in its own language, then this may be a harbinger of problems associated with the second half.
  • A bird croaking and rushing along the eaves predicts that one of the household members will get sick. It is far from a fact that it is serious, but it is definitely worth paying attention to such an important aspect as health.
  • If the bird observes the ritual of flying to the ledge and croaking all the time, then it warns of gossip. Someone with a high degree of probability dissolves them about the owners of the house!
  • Sometimes it happens that a raven circles overhead, croaks and flies away. This case can be considered a sign that a person should reconsider his views and actions. He most likely took a wrong turn in something.
  • It is definitely worth paying attention to the time of day at which the bird communicates loudly. Morning predicts problems – it means that it is better for a person to postpone all important matters for later. Either bad weather with a clear number of croaks or excellent weather with an odd number. Lunch time predicts guests. Evening time – from 20.00 to 22.00 – speaks of trouble. But night combined with croaking is a very bad sign, and our ancestors constantly talked about it. Such a sign promises serious conflicts, illnesses.
  • A whole scattering of interpretations affects the crow croaking on a tree. So, if the tree is scorched, a person may witness some unpleasant incident. If smooth leaves grow on a tree, the omen promises profit. A bird jumping from branch to branch and croaking warns of trouble, sitting on a broken branch – of injuries. A crow looking to the west promises retribution for bad deeds, to the east – the appearance of an influential patron.
  • It is worth looking at the number of birds. One raven does not bode well, two – on the contrary, promise good luck, three predict cataclysms. If there are four or more birds, then there will be replenishment in the family.
  • If a flock of crows circles over the water, croaking, then you should expect bad weather. Most likely even storms!
  • A cawing flying flock of birds make it clear that it will soon be windy.
  • If a flock of crows circles and communicates very high, you can safely prepare for a walk – the day will be clear and warm.
  • A croaking flock flying to the east predicts warmth and cloudlessness.
  • If the flock croaked and scattered sharply in different directions, then we should expect a cold snap. Maybe even rain.

Как we see that interpretations have accumulated over the centuries lots! What exactly is worth believing, let everyone decides for himself. One can say with confidence: if suddenly explaining you for some reason frustrated, don’t take it seriously.

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